Source code for indra_db.schemas.mixins

import logging
from termcolor import colored
from psycopg2.errors import DuplicateTable
from sqlalchemy import inspect, Column, BigInteger, tuple_, and_, \
    UniqueConstraint, or_
from sqlalchemy.exc import NoSuchTableError
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import InstrumentedAttribute

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DbIndexError(Exception): pass
[docs]class IndraDBTableMetaClass(type): """This serves as a meta class for all tables, allowing `str` to be useful. In particular, this makes it so that the string gives a representation of the SQL table, including columns. """ def __init__(cls, *args, **kwargs): assert hasattr(cls, 'full_name'), \ ("Class using metaclass IndraDBTableMetaClass missing critical " "class method: `full_name`") super(IndraDBTableMetaClass, cls).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __str__(cls): col_names = [colored(attr_name, 'magenta') for attr_name, attr_val in cls.__dict__.items() if isinstance(attr_val, Column) or isinstance(attr_val, InstrumentedAttribute)] cols = '\n ' cols += ', '.join(col_names) cols += '\n' full_name = colored(cls.full_name(force_schema=True), attrs=['bold']) return f"{full_name}({cols})"
class IndraDBTable(metaclass=IndraDBTableMetaClass): _indices = [] _skip_disp = [] _always_disp = ['id'] _default_insert_order_by = 'id' __table_args__ = () @classmethod def iter_constraints(cls, cols=None): if isinstance(cls.__table_args__, dict): tbl_args = (tbl_arg for tbl_arg in cls.__table_args__.values()) elif isinstance(cls.__table_args__, tuple) \ or isinstance(cls.__table_args__, list): tbl_args = cls.__table_args__ else: return for tbl_arg in tbl_args: if isinstance(tbl_arg, UniqueConstraint): if cols is None or set(tbl_arg.columns.keys()) < set(cols): yield tbl_arg @classmethod def get_constraint(cls, name): for constraint in cls.iter_constraints(): if == name: return constraint return None @classmethod def create_index(cls, db, index, commit=True): full_name = cls.full_name(force_schema=True) sql = (f"CREATE INDEX {} ON {full_name} " f"USING {index.definition} TABLESPACE pg_default;") if commit: try: cls.execute(db, sql) except DuplicateTable:"%s exists, skipping." % if index.cluster:"Clustering %s using %s" % (full_name, cluster_sql = f"CLUSTER {full_name} USING {};" cls.execute(db, cluster_sql) return sql @classmethod def build_indices(cls, db): found_a_clustered = False for index in cls._indices: if index.cluster: if not found_a_clustered: found_a_clustered = True else: raise DbIndexError("Only one index may be clustered " "at a time.")"Building index: %s" % cls.create_index(db, index) @staticmethod def execute(db, sql): conn = db.get_raw_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() return @classmethod def get_schema(cls, default=None): """Get the schema of this table.""" if not hasattr(cls, '__table_args__'): return default if isinstance(cls.__table_args__, dict): return cls.__table_args__.get('schema') elif isinstance(cls.__table_args__, tuple): for arg in cls.__table_args__: if isinstance(arg, dict) and 'schema' in arg.keys(): return arg['schema'] return default @classmethod def full_name(cls, force_schema=False): """Get the full name including the schema, if supplied.""" name = cls.__tablename__ # If we are definitely going to include the schema, default to public schema_name = cls.get_schema('public' if force_schema else None) # Prepend if we found something. if schema_name: name = schema_name + '.' + name return name def _make_str(self): s = self.full_name() + ':\n' for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if not k.startswith('_'): if k in self._skip_disp: s += '\t%s: [not shown]\n' % k else: s += '\t%s: %s\n' % (k, v) return s def display(self): """Display the values of this entry.""" print(self._make_str()) def __str__(self): return self._make_str() def __repr__(self): ret = self.__class__.__name__ + '(' entries = [] for attr_name in self._always_disp: attr = getattr(self, attr_name) if isinstance(attr, str): fmt = '%s="%s"' elif isinstance(attr, bytes): fmt = '%s=b"%s"' else: fmt = '%s=%s' entries.append(fmt % (attr_name, attr)) ret += ', '.join(entries) ret += ')' return ret class ReadonlyTable(IndraDBTable): __definition__ = NotImplemented __table_args__ = NotImplemented __create_table_fmt__ = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s AS %s;" # These tables are created all at once, so there isn't really an "order" to # which entries were inserted. They were inserted all at once. _default_insert_order_by = NotImplemented # Some tables may mark themselves as "temp", meaning they are not intended # to live beyond the readonly build process. _temp = False @classmethod def create(cls, db, commit=True): sql = cls.__create_table_fmt__ \ % (cls.full_name(force_schema=True), cls.get_definition()) if commit: cls.execute(db, sql) return sql @classmethod def get_definition(cls): return cls.__definition__ @classmethod def definition(cls, db): return cls.get_definition() class SpecialColumnTable(ReadonlyTable): @classmethod def create(cls, db, commit=True): cls.__definition__ = cls.definition(db) sql = cls.__create_table_fmt__ \ % (cls.full_name(force_schema=True), cls.__definition__) if commit: cls.execute(db, sql) cls.loaded = True return sql @classmethod def load_cols(cls, engine, cols=None): if cls.loaded: return if cols is None: try: schema = cls.__table_args__.get('schema', 'public') cols = inspect(engine).get_columns(cls.__tablename__, schema=schema) except NoSuchTableError: return existing_cols = { for col in cls.__table__.columns} for col in cols: if col['name'] in existing_cols: continue setattr(cls, col['name'], Column(BigInteger)) cls.loaded = True return class NamespaceLookup(ReadonlyTable): __dbname__ = NotImplemented @classmethod def get_definition(cls): return ("SELECT db_id, ag_id, role_num, ag_num, type_num,\n" " mk_hash, ev_count, belief, activity, is_active,\n" " agent_count, is_complex_dup\n" "FROM readonly.pa_meta\n" "WHERE db_name = '%s'" % cls.__dbname__)
[docs]class IndraDBRefTable: """Define an API and methods for a table of text references.""" pmid = NotImplemented pmid_num = NotImplemented pmcid = NotImplemented pmcid_num = NotImplemented pmcid_version = NotImplemented doi = NotImplemented doi_ns = NotImplemented doi_id = NotImplemented # PMID Processing methods. @staticmethod def process_pmid(pmid): if not pmid: return None, None if not pmid.isdigit(): return pmid, None return pmid, int(pmid) @classmethod def _get_pmid_lookups(cls, pmid_list, filter_ids=False): # Process the ID list. pmid_num_set = set() for pmid in pmid_list: _, pmid_num = cls.process_pmid(pmid) if pmid_num is None: if filter_ids: logger.warning('"%s" is not a valid pmid. Skipping.' % pmid) continue else: ValueError('"%s" is not a valid pmid.' % pmid) pmid_num_set.add(pmid_num) return pmid_num_set
[docs] @classmethod def pmid_in(cls, pmid_list, filter_ids=False): """Get sqlalchemy clauses for entries IN a list of pmids.""" pmid_num_set = cls._get_pmid_lookups(pmid_list, filter_ids) # Return the constraint if len(pmid_num_set) == 1: return cls.pmid_num == pmid_num_set.pop() else: return cls.pmid_num.in_(pmid_num_set)
[docs] @classmethod def pmid_notin(cls, pmid_list, filter_ids=False): """Get sqlalchemy clauses for entries NOT IN a list of pmids.""" pmid_num_set = cls._get_pmid_lookups(pmid_list, filter_ids) # Return the constraint if len(pmid_num_set) == 1: return cls.pmid_num != pmid_num_set.pop() else: return cls.pmid_num.notin_(pmid_num_set)
# PMCID Processing methods @staticmethod def process_pmcid(pmcid): if not pmcid: return None, None, None if not pmcid.startswith('PMC'): return pmcid, None, None if '.' in pmcid: pmcid, version_number_str = pmcid.split('.') if version_number_str.isdigit(): version_number = int(version_number_str) else: version_number = None else: version_number = None if not pmcid[3:].isdigit(): return pmcid, None, version_number return pmcid, int(pmcid[3:]), version_number @classmethod def _get_pmcid_lookups(cls, pmcid_list, filter_ids=False): # Process the ID list. pmcid_num_set = set() for pmcid in pmcid_list: _, pmcid_num, _ = cls.process_pmcid(pmcid) if not pmcid_num: if filter_ids: logger.warning('"%s" does not look like a valid ' 'pmcid. Skipping.' % pmcid) continue else: raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid pmcid.' % pmcid) else: pmcid_num_set.add(pmcid_num) return pmcid_num_set
[docs] @classmethod def pmcid_in(cls, pmcid_list, filter_ids=False): """Get the sqlalchemy clauses for entries IN a list of pmcids.""" pmcid_num_set = cls._get_pmcid_lookups(pmcid_list, filter_ids) # Return the constraint if len(pmcid_num_set) == 1: return cls.pmcid_num == pmcid_num_set.pop() else: return cls.pmcid_num.in_(pmcid_num_set)
[docs] @classmethod def pmcid_notin(cls, pmcid_list, filter_ids=False): """Get the sqlalchemy clause for entries NOT IN a list of pmcids.""" pmcid_num_set = cls._get_pmcid_lookups(pmcid_list, filter_ids) # Return the constraint if len(pmcid_num_set) == 1: return cls.pmcid_num != pmcid_num_set.pop() else: return cls.pmcid_num.notin_(pmcid_num_set)
# DOI Processing methods @staticmethod def process_doi(doi): # Check for invalid DOIs if not doi: return None, None, None # Regularize case. doi = doi.upper() if not doi.startswith('10.'): return doi, None, None # Split up the parts of the DOI parts = doi[3:].split('/') if len(parts) < 2: return doi, None, None # Check the namespace number, make it an integer. namespace_str = parts[0] if not namespace_str.isdigit(): return doi, None, None namespace = int(namespace_str) # Join the res of the parts together. group_id = '/'.join(parts[1:]) return doi, namespace, group_id @classmethod def _get_doi_lookups(cls, doi_list, filter_ids=False): # Parse the DOIs in the list. doi_tuple_set = set() for doi in doi_list: doi, doi_ns, doi_id = cls.process_doi(doi) if not doi_ns: if filter_ids: logger.warning('"%s" does not look like a normal doi. ' 'Skipping.' % doi) continue else: raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid doi.' % doi) else: doi_tuple_set.add((doi_ns, doi_id)) return doi_tuple_set
[docs] @classmethod def doi_in(cls, doi_list, filter_ids=False): """Get clause for looking up entities IN a list of dois.""" doi_tuple_set = cls._get_doi_lookups(doi_list, filter_ids) # Return the constraint if len(doi_tuple_set) == 1: doi_ns, doi_id = doi_tuple_set.pop() return and_(cls.doi_ns == doi_ns, cls.doi_id == doi_id) else: return tuple_(cls.doi_ns, cls.doi_id).in_(doi_tuple_set)
[docs] @classmethod def doi_notin(cls, doi_list, filter_ids=False): """Get clause for looking up entities NOT IN a list of dois.""" doi_tuple_set = cls._get_doi_lookups(doi_list, filter_ids) # Return the constraint if len(doi_tuple_set) == 1: doi_ns, doi_id = doi_tuple_set.pop() return or_(cls.doi_ns != doi_ns, cls.doi_id != doi_id) else: return tuple_(cls.doi_ns, cls.doi_id).notin_(doi_tuple_set)
[docs] @classmethod def has_ref(cls, id_type, id_list, filter_ids=False): """Get clause for entries IN the given ID list.""" id_type = id_type.lower() if id_type == 'pmid': return cls.pmid_in(id_list, filter_ids) elif id_type == 'pmcid': return cls.pmcid_in(id_list, filter_ids) elif id_type == 'doi': return cls.doi_in(id_list, filter_ids) else: return getattr(cls, id_type).in_(id_list)
[docs] @classmethod def not_has_ref(cls, id_type, id_list, filter_ids=False): """Get clause for entries NOT IN the given ID list""" id_type = id_type.lower() if id_type == 'pmid': return cls.pmid_notin(id_list, filter_ids) elif id_type == 'pmcid': return cls.pmcid_notin(id_list, filter_ids) elif id_type == 'doi': return cls.doi_notin(id_list, filter_ids) else: return getattr(cls, id_type).notin_(id_list)
[docs] def get_ref_dict(self): """Return the refs as a dictionary keyed by type.""" ref_dict = {} for ref in self._ref_cols: val = getattr(self, ref, None) if val: ref_dict[ref.upper()] = val ref_dict['TRID'] = return ref_dict
[docs]class Schema: """General class for schemas""" def __init__(self, Base): self.base = Base self.table_dict = {} def iter_child_methods(self): for attr_key, attr_val in self.__class__.__dict__.items(): if callable(attr_val) and not attr_key.startswith('_'): yield attr_val def build_table_dict(self): for tbl_builder in self.iter_child_methods(): tbl = tbl_builder(self) self.table_dict[tbl.__tablename__] = tbl return self.table_dict