Source code for indra_db.preassembly.preassemble_db

import json
import pickle
import logging
from os import path
from functools import wraps
from datetime import datetime
from collections import defaultdict
from argparse import ArgumentParser

from sqlalchemy import or_

from indra.util import batch_iter, clockit
from indra.statements import Statement
from import assemble_corpus as ac
from indra.preassembler.sitemapper import logger as site_logger
from indra.preassembler.grounding_mapper.mapper import logger \
    as grounding_logger
from indra.preassembler import Preassembler
from indra.preassembler import logger as ipa_logger
from import bio_ontology
from indra_db.reading.read_db_aws import bucket_name

from indra_db.util.data_gatherer import DataGatherer, DGContext
from indra_db.util import insert_pa_stmts, distill_stmts, get_db, \
    extract_agent_data, insert_pa_agents, hash_pa_agents, S3Path

logger = logging.getLogger('preassemble_db')

HERE = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))

gatherer = DataGatherer('preassembly', ['stmts', 'evidence', 'links'])

def _handle_update_table(func):
    def run_and_record_update(obj, db, *args, **kwargs):
        run_datetime = datetime.utcnow()
        completed = func(obj, db, *args, **kwargs)
        if completed:
            is_corpus_init = (func.__name__ == 'create_corpus')
            db.insert('preassembly_updates', corpus_init=is_corpus_init,
                      run_datetime=run_datetime, stmt_type=obj.stmt_type)
        return completed
    return run_and_record_update

[docs]class IndraDBPreassemblyError(Exception): pass
[docs]class UserQuit(BaseException): pass
[docs]class DbPreassembler: """Class used to manage the preassembly pipeline Parameters ---------- batch_size : int Select the maximum number of statements you wish to be handled at a time. In general, a larger batch size will somewhat be faster, but require much more memory. """ def __init__(self, batch_size=10000, s3_cache=None, print_logs=False, stmt_type=None, yes_all=False, ontology=None): self.batch_size = batch_size if s3_cache is not None: # Make the cache specific to stmt type. This guards against # technical errors resulting from mixing this key parameter. if not isinstance(s3_cache, S3Path): raise TypeError(f"Expected s3_cache to be type S3Path, but got " f"type {type(s3_cache)}.") specifications = f'st_{stmt_type}/' self.s3_cache = s3_cache.get_element_path(specifications) # Report on what caches may already exist. This should hopefully # prevent re-doing work just because different batch sizes were # used. import boto3 s3 = boto3.client('s3') if s3_cache.exists(s3): if self.s3_cache.exists(s3):"A prior run with these parameters exists in " f"the cache: {s3_cache}.") else:"Prior job or jobs with different Statement " f"type exist for the cache: {s3_cache}.") else:"No prior jobs appear in the cache: {s3_cache}.") else: self.s3_cache = None if ontology is None: ontology = bio_ontology ontology.initialize() ontology._build_transitive_closure() = Preassembler(ontology) self.__tag = 'Unpurposed' self.__print_logs = print_logs self.pickle_stashes = None self.stmt_type = stmt_type self.yes_all = yes_all return def _yes_input(self, message, default='yes'): if self.yes_all: return True valid = {'yes': True, 'ye': True, 'y': True, 'no': False, 'n': False} if default is None: prompt = '[y/n]' elif default == 'yes': prompt = '[Y/n]' elif default == 'no': prompt = '[y/N]' else: raise ValueError(f"Argument 'default' must be 'yes' or 'no', got " f"'{default}'.") resp = input(f'{message} {prompt}: ') while True: if resp == '' and default is not None: return valid[default] elif resp.lower() in valid: return valid[resp.lower()] resp = input(f'Please answer "yes" (or "y") or "no" (or "n"). ' f'{prompt}: ') def _get_latest_updatetime(self, db): """Get the date of the latest update.""" if self.stmt_type is not None: st_const = or_(db.PreassemblyUpdates.stmt_type == self.stmt_type, db.PreassemblyUpdates.stmt_type.is_(None)) else: st_const = db.PreassemblyUpdates.stmt_type.is_(None) update_list = db.select_all(db.PreassemblyUpdates, st_const) if not len(update_list): logger.warning("The preassembled corpus has not been initialized, " "or else the updates table has not been populated.") return None return max([u.run_datetime for u in update_list]) def _get_cache_path(self, file_name): return (self.s3_cache.get_element_path(self.__tag) .get_element_path(file_name)) def _init_cache(self, continuing): if self.s3_cache is None: return datetime.utcnow() import boto3 s3 = boto3.client('s3') start_file = self._get_cache_path('start.pkl') if start_file.exists(s3): s3_resp = start_file.get(s3) start_data = pickle.loads(s3_resp['Body'].read()) start_time = start_data['start_time'] cache_desc = f"Do you want to %s {self._get_cache_path('')} " \ f"started {start_time}?" if continuing: if self._yes_input(cache_desc % 'continue with'): return start_time else: raise UserQuit("Aborting job.") elif not self._yes_input(cache_desc % 'overwrite existing', default='no'): raise UserQuit("Aborting job.") self._clear_cache() start_time = datetime.utcnow() start_data = {'start_time': start_time} start_file.put(s3, pickle.dumps(start_data)) return start_time def _clear_cache(self): if self.s3_cache is None: return import boto3 s3 = boto3.client('s3') objects = self._get_cache_path('').list_objects(s3) for s3_path in objects: s3_path.delete(s3) return def _run_cached(self, continuing, func, *args, **kwargs): if self.s3_cache is None: return func(*args, **kwargs) # Define the location of this cache. import boto3 s3 = boto3.client('s3') result_cache = self._get_cache_path(f'{func.__name__}.pkl') # If continuing, try to retrieve the file. if continuing and result_cache.exists(s3): s3_result = result_cache.get(s3) return pickle.loads(s3_result['Body'].read()) # If not continuing or the file doesn't exist, run the function. results = func(*args, **kwargs) pickle_data = pickle.dumps(results) result_cache.put(s3, pickle_data) return results def _put_support_mark(self, outer_idx): if self.s3_cache is None: return import boto3 s3 = boto3.client('s3') supp_file = self._get_cache_path('support_idx.pkl') supp_file.put(s3, pickle.dumps(outer_idx*self.batch_size)) return def _get_support_mark(self, continuing): if self.s3_cache is None: return -1 if not continuing: return -1 import boto3 s3 = boto3.client('s3') supp_file = self._get_cache_path('support_idx.pkl') if not supp_file.exists(s3): return -1 s3_resp = supp_file.get(s3) return pickle.loads(s3_resp['Body'].read()) // self.batch_size def _raw_sid_stmt_iter(self, db, id_set, do_enumerate=False): """Return a generator over statements with the given database ids.""" def _fixed_raw_stmt_from_json(s_json, tr): stmt = _stmt_from_json(s_json) if tr is not None: stmt.evidence[0].pmid = tr.pmid stmt.evidence[0].text_refs = {k: v for k, v in tr.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_')} return stmt i = 0 for stmt_id_batch in batch_iter(id_set, self.batch_size): subres = (db.filter_query([, db.RawStatements.json, db.TextRef], .outerjoin(db.Reading) .outerjoin(db.TextContent) .outerjoin(db.TextRef) .yield_per(self.batch_size//10)) data = [(sid, _fixed_raw_stmt_from_json(s_json, tr)) for sid, s_json, tr in subres] if do_enumerate: yield i, data i += 1 else: yield data def _make_idx_batches(self, hash_list, continuing): N = len(hash_list) B = self.batch_size idx_batch_list = [(n*B, min((n + 1)*B, N)) for n in range(0, N//B + 1)] start_idx = self._get_support_mark(continuing) + 1 return idx_batch_list, start_idx @clockit def _extract_and_push_unique_statements(self, db, raw_sids, num_stmts, mk_done=None): """Get the unique Statements from the raw statements.""" self._log("There are %d distilled raw statement ids to preassemble." % len(raw_sids)) if mk_done is None: mk_done = set() new_mk_set = set() num_batches = num_stmts/self.batch_size for i, stmt_tpl_batch in self._raw_sid_stmt_iter(db, raw_sids, True): self._log("Processing batch %d/%d of %d/%d statements." % (i, num_batches, len(stmt_tpl_batch), num_stmts)) # Get a list of statements and generate a mapping from uuid to sid. stmts = [] uuid_sid_dict = {} for sid, stmt in stmt_tpl_batch: uuid_sid_dict[stmt.uuid] = sid stmts.append(stmt) # Map groundings and sequences. cleaned_stmts, eliminated_uuids = self._clean_statements(stmts) discarded_stmts = [(uuid_sid_dict[uuid], reason) for reason, uuid_set in eliminated_uuids.items() for uuid in uuid_set] db.copy('discarded_statements', discarded_stmts, ('stmt_id', 'reason'), commit=False) # Use the shallow hash to condense unique statements. new_unique_stmts, evidence_links, agent_tuples = \ self._condense_statements(cleaned_stmts, mk_done, new_mk_set, uuid_sid_dict) # Insert the statements and their links. self._log("Insert new statements into database...") insert_pa_stmts(db, new_unique_stmts, ignore_agents=True, commit=False) gatherer.add('stmts', len(new_unique_stmts)) self._log("Insert new raw_unique links into the database...") ev_links = flatten_evidence_dict(evidence_links) db.copy('raw_unique_links', ev_links, ('pa_stmt_mk_hash', 'raw_stmt_id'), commit=False) gatherer.add('evidence', len(ev_links)) db.copy_lazy('pa_agents', hash_pa_agents(agent_tuples), ('stmt_mk_hash', 'ag_num', 'db_name', 'db_id', 'role', 'agent_ref_hash'), commit=False) insert_pa_agents(db, new_unique_stmts, verbose=True, skip=['agents']) # This will commit self._log("Added %d new pa statements into the database." % len(new_mk_set)) return new_mk_set @clockit def _condense_statements(self, cleaned_stmts, mk_done, new_mk_set, uuid_sid_dict): self._log("Condense into unique statements...") new_unique_stmts = [] evidence_links = defaultdict(lambda: set()) agent_tuples = set() for s in cleaned_stmts: h = s.get_hash(refresh=True) # If this statement is new, make it. if h not in mk_done and h not in new_mk_set: new_unique_stmts.append(s.make_generic_copy()) new_mk_set.add(h) # Add the evidence to the dict. evidence_links[h].add(uuid_sid_dict[s.uuid]) # Add any db refs to the agents. ref_data, _, _ = extract_agent_data(s, h) agent_tuples |= set(ref_data) return new_unique_stmts, evidence_links, agent_tuples def _dump_links(self, db, supp_links): self._log(f"Copying batch of {len(supp_links)} support links into db.") skipped = db.copy_report_lazy('pa_support_links', supp_links, ('supported_mk_hash', 'supporting_mk_hash')) gatherer.add('links', len(supp_links - set(skipped))) return
[docs] @_handle_update_table @DGContext.wrap(gatherer) def create_corpus(self, db, continuing=False): """Initialize the table of preassembled statements. This method will find the set of unique knowledge represented in the table of raw statements, and it will populate the table of preassembled statements (PAStatements/pa_statements), while maintaining links between the raw statements and their unique (pa) counterparts. Furthermore, the refinement/support relationships between unique statements will be found and recorded in the PASupportLinks/pa_support_links table. For more detail on preassembly, see indra/preassembler/ """ self.__tag = 'create' self._init_cache(continuing) if continuing: # Get discarded statements skip_ids = {i for i, in db.select_all(db.DiscardedStatements.stmt_id)} self._log("Found %d discarded statements from earlier run." % len(skip_ids)) # Get filtered statement ID's. if self.stmt_type is not None: clauses = [db.RawStatements.type == self.stmt_type] else: clauses = [] stmt_ids = self._run_cached(continuing, distill_stmts, db, clauses=clauses) # Handle the possibility we're picking up after an earlier job... mk_done = set() if continuing: self._log("Getting set of statements already de-duplicated...") link_q = db.filter_query([db.RawUniqueLinks.raw_stmt_id, db.RawUniqueLinks.pa_stmt_mk_hash]) if self.stmt_type is not None: link_q = (link_q .join(db.RawStatements) .filter(db.RawStatements.type == self.stmt_type)) link_resp = link_q.all() if link_resp: checked_raw_stmt_ids, pa_stmt_hashes = zip(*link_resp) stmt_ids -= set(checked_raw_stmt_ids) self._log("Found %d raw statements without links to unique." % len(stmt_ids)) stmt_ids -= skip_ids self._log("Found %d raw statements that still need to be " "processed." % len(stmt_ids)) mk_done = set(pa_stmt_hashes) self._log("Found %d preassembled statements already done." % len(mk_done)) # Get the set of unique statements new_mk_set = self._run_cached(continuing, self._extract_and_push_unique_statements, db, stmt_ids, len(stmt_ids), mk_done) # Now get the support links between all batches. support_links = set() hash_list = list(new_mk_set | mk_done) self._log(f"Beginning to find support relations for {len(hash_list)} " f"new statements.") hash_list.sort() idx_batches, start_idx = self._make_idx_batches(hash_list, continuing) for outer_idx, (out_si, out_ei) in enumerate(idx_batches[start_idx:]): outer_idx += start_idx sj_query = db.filter_query( db.PAStatements.json, db.PAStatements.mk_hash.in_(hash_list[out_si:out_ei]) ) outer_batch = [_stmt_from_json(sj) for sj, in sj_query.all()] # Get internal support links self._log(f'Getting internal support links outer batch ' f'{outer_idx}/{len(idx_batches)-1}.') some_support_links = self._get_support_links(outer_batch) # Get links with all other batches in_start = outer_idx + 1 for inner_idx, (in_si, in_ei) in enumerate(idx_batches[in_start:]): inner_sj_q = db.filter_query( db.PAStatements.json, db.PAStatements.mk_hash.in_(hash_list[in_si:in_ei]) ) inner_batch = [_stmt_from_json(sj) for sj, in inner_sj_q.all()] # NOTE: deliberately subtracting 1 because the INDRA # implementation is weird. split_idx = len(inner_batch) - 1 full_list = inner_batch + outer_batch self._log(f'Getting support between outer batch {outer_idx}/' f'{len(idx_batches)-1} and inner batch {inner_idx}/' f'{len(idx_batches)-in_start-1}.') some_support_links |= \ self._get_support_links(full_list, split_idx=split_idx) # Add all the new support links support_links |= some_support_links # There are generally few support links compared to the number of # statements, so it doesn't make sense to copy every time, but for # long preassembly, this allows for better failure recovery. if len(support_links) >= self.batch_size: self._dump_links(db, support_links) self._put_support_mark(outer_idx) support_links = set() # Insert any remaining support links. if support_links: self._log('Final (overflow) batch of links.') self._dump_links(db, support_links) self._clear_cache() return True
def _get_new_stmt_ids(self, db): """Get all the uuids of statements not included in evidence.""" olds_q = db.filter_query(, == db.RawUniqueLinks.raw_stmt_id ) if self.stmt_type is not None: olds_q = olds_q.filter(db.RawStatements.type == self.stmt_type) alls_q = db.filter_query( if self.stmt_type is not None: alls_q = alls_q.filter(db.RawStatements.type == self.stmt_type) new_id_q = alls_q.except_(olds_q) all_new_stmt_ids = {sid for sid, in new_id_q.all()} self._log("Found %d new statement ids." % len(all_new_stmt_ids)) return all_new_stmt_ids def _supplement_statements(self, db, continuing=False): """Supplement the preassembled statements with the latest content.""" last_update = self._get_latest_updatetime(db) assert last_update is not None, \ "The preassembly tables have not yet been initialized." self._log("Latest update was: %s" % last_update) # Get the new statements... self._log("Loading info about the existing state of preassembly. " "(This may take a little time)") new_ids = self._run_cached(continuing, self._get_new_stmt_ids, db) # Weed out exact duplicates. if self.stmt_type is not None: clauses = [db.RawStatements.type == self.stmt_type] else: clauses = [] stmt_ids = self._run_cached(continuing, distill_stmts, db, get_full_stmts=False, clauses=clauses) # Get discarded statements skip_ids = {i for i, in db.select_all(db.DiscardedStatements.stmt_id)} # Select only the good new statement ids. new_stmt_ids = new_ids & stmt_ids - skip_ids # Get the set of new unique statements and link to any new evidence. old_mk_set = {mk for mk, in db.select_all(db.PAStatements.mk_hash)} self._log("Found %d old pa statements." % len(old_mk_set)) new_mk_set = self._run_cached( continuing, self._extract_and_push_unique_statements, db, new_stmt_ids, len(new_stmt_ids), old_mk_set ) if continuing: self._log("Original old mk set: %d" % len(old_mk_set)) old_mk_set = old_mk_set - new_mk_set self._log("Adjusted old mk set: %d" % len(old_mk_set)) self._log("Found %d new pa statements." % len(new_mk_set)) return new_mk_set def _supplement_support(self, db, new_hashes, start_time, continuing=False): """Calculate the support for the given date range of pa statements.""" if not isinstance(new_hashes, list): new_hashes = list(new_hashes) new_hashes.sort() # If we are continuing, check for support links that were already found support_links = set() idx_batches, start_idx = self._make_idx_batches(new_hashes, continuing) # We first get all the new statements in batches all_outer_stmts = [] for (out_s, out_e) in idx_batches[start_idx:]: # Create the statements from the JSONs npa_json_q = db.filter_query( db.PAStatements.json, db.PAStatements.mk_hash.in_(new_hashes[out_s:out_e]) ) all_outer_stmts += [_stmt_from_json(s_json) for s_json, in npa_json_q.all()] # Compare new statements to themselves self._log(f"Getting refinements for {len(all_outer_stmts)} new statements") support_links |= self._get_support_links(all_outer_stmts) # We now compare all new statements against batches of existing statements opa_args = (db.PAStatements.create_date < start_time,) if self.stmt_type is not None: opa_args += (db.PAStatements.type == self.stmt_type,) opa_json_iter = db.select_all_batched(self.batch_size, db.PAStatements.json, *opa_args) for opa_idx, opa_json_batch in opa_json_iter: opa_idx += 1 # log starting at 1 opa_batch = [_stmt_from_json(s_json) for s_json, in opa_json_batch] # NOTE: deliberately subtracting 1 because the INDRA # implementation is weird. split_idx = len(all_outer_stmts) - 1 full_list = all_outer_stmts + opa_batch self._log(f"Comparing new statements to batch {opa_idx} of old " f"statements.") support_links |= \ self._get_support_links(full_list, split_idx=split_idx) # Insert any remaining support links. if support_links: self._log(f"Adding a total of {len(support_links)} support links.") self._dump_links(db, support_links)
[docs] @_handle_update_table @DGContext.wrap(gatherer) def supplement_corpus(self, db, continuing=False): """Update the table of preassembled statements. This method will take any new raw statements that have not yet been incorporated into the preassembled table, and use them to augment the preassembled table. The resulting updated table is indistinguishable from the result you would achieve if you had simply re-run preassembly on _all_ the raw statements. """ self.__tag = 'supplement' start_time = self._init_cache(continuing) self.pickle_stashes = [] new_hashes = self._supplement_statements(db, continuing) self._supplement_support(db, new_hashes, start_time, continuing) self._clear_cache() self.__tag = 'Unpurposed' return True
def _log(self, msg, level='info'): """Applies a task specific tag to the log message.""" if self.__print_logs: print("Preassembly Manager [%s] (%s): %s" % (, self.__tag, msg)) getattr(logger, level)("(%s) %s" % (self.__tag, msg)) @clockit def _clean_statements(self, stmts): """Perform grounding, sequence mapping, and find unique set from stmts. This method returns a list of statement objects, as well as a set of tuples of the form (uuid, matches_key) which represent the links between raw (evidence) statements and their unique/preassembled counterparts. """ eliminated_uuids = {} all_uuids = {s.uuid for s in stmts} self._log("Map grounding...") stmts = ac.map_grounding(stmts, use_adeft=True, gilda_mode='local') grounded_uuids = {s.uuid for s in stmts} eliminated_uuids['grounding'] = all_uuids - grounded_uuids self._log("Map sequences...") stmts = ac.map_sequence(stmts, use_cache=True) seqmapped_and_grounded_uuids = {s.uuid for s in stmts} eliminated_uuids['sequence mapping'] = \ grounded_uuids - seqmapped_and_grounded_uuids return stmts, eliminated_uuids @clockit def _get_support_links(self, unique_stmts, split_idx=None): """Find the links of refinement/support between statements.""" id_maps =, split_idx=split_idx) ret = set() for ix_pair in id_maps: if ix_pair[0] == ix_pair[1]: assert False, "Self-comparison occurred." hash_pair = \ tuple([shash(unique_stmts[ix]) for ix in ix_pair]) if hash_pair[0] == hash_pair[1]: assert False, "Input list included duplicates." ret.add(hash_pair) return ret
def _stmt_from_json(stmt_json_bytes): return Statement._from_json(json.loads(stmt_json_bytes.decode('utf-8'))) # This is purely for reducing having to type this long thing so often.
[docs]def shash(s): """Get the shallow hash of a statement.""" return s.get_hash(shallow=True)
[docs]def make_graph(unique_stmts, match_key_maps): """Create a networkx graph of the statement and their links.""" import networkx as nx g = nx.Graph() link_matches = {m for l in match_key_maps for m in l} unique_stmts_dict = {} for stmt in unique_stmts: if stmt.matches_key() in link_matches: g.add_node(stmt) unique_stmts_dict[stmt.matches_key()] = stmt for k1, k2 in match_key_maps: g.add_edge(unique_stmts_dict[k1], unique_stmts_dict[k2]) return g
def flatten_evidence_dict(ev_dict): return {(u_stmt_key, ev_stmt_uuid) for u_stmt_key, ev_stmt_uuid_set in ev_dict.items() for ev_stmt_uuid in ev_stmt_uuid_set} def _make_parser(): parser = ArgumentParser( description='Manage preassembly of raw statements into pa statements.' ) parser.add_argument( choices=['create', 'update'], dest='task', help=('Choose whether you want to perform an initial upload or update ' 'the existing content on the database.') ) parser.add_argument( '-c', '--continue', dest='continuing', action='store_true', help='Continue uploading or updating, picking up where you left off.' ) parser.add_argument( '-b', '--batch', type=int, default=10000, help=("Select the number of statements loaded at a time. More " "statements at a time will run faster, but require more memory.") ) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Run with debugging level output.' ) parser.add_argument( '-D', '--database', default='primary', help=('Choose a database from the names given in the config or ' 'environment, for example primary is INDRA_DB_PRIMAY in the ' 'config file and INDRADBPRIMARY in the environment. The default ' 'is \'primary\'.') ) parser.add_argument( '-C', '--cache', default=f's3://{bucket_name}/preassembly_results/temp', help=('Choose where on s3 the temp files that allow jobs to continue ' 'after stopping are stored. Value should be given in the form:' 's3://{bucket_name}/{prefix}.') ) parser.add_argument( '-T', '--stmt-type', help=('Optionally select a particular statement type on which to run ' 'preassembly on. In general types are not compared so you can ' 'greatly multi-process the task by having separate machines ' 'preassemble different types.') ) parser.add_argument( '-Y', '--yes-all', action='store_true', help='Select the "yes" option for all user options during runtime.' ) return parser def _main(): parser = _make_parser() args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) from indra_db.databases import logger as db_logger db_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) print("Getting %s database." % args.database) db = get_db(args.database) assert db is not None db.grab_session() s3_cache = S3Path.from_string(args.cache) pa = DbPreassembler(args.batch, s3_cache, stmt_type=args.stmt_type, yes_all=args.yes_all) desc = 'Continuing' if args.continuing else 'Beginning' print("%s to %s preassembled corpus." % (desc, args.task)) if args.task == 'create': pa.create_corpus(db, args.continuing) elif args.task == 'update': pa.supplement_corpus(db, args.continuing) else: raise IndraDBPreassemblyError('Unrecognized task: %s.' % args.task) if __name__ == '__main__': _main()