Source code for indra_db.client.principal.raw_statements

__all__ = ['get_raw_stmt_jsons_from_agents', 'get_raw_stmt_jsons_from_papers',

import json
from collections import defaultdict

from sqlalchemy import intersect_all

from indra.util import clockit

from indra_db import get_db
from indra_db.util import regularize_agent_id

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[docs]@clockit def get_raw_stmt_jsons_from_papers(id_list, id_type='pmid', db=None, max_stmts=None, offset=None): """Get raw statement jsons for a given list of papers. Parameters ---------- id_list : list A list of ints or strs that are ids of papers of type `id_type`. id_type : str Default is 'pmid'. The type of ids given in id_list, e.g. 'pmid', 'pmcid', 'trid'. db : :py:class:`DatabaseManager` Optionally specify a database manager that attaches to something besides the primary database, for example a local database instance. Returns ------- result_dict : dict A dictionary keyed by id (of `id_type`) with a list of raw statement json objects as each value. Ids for which no statements are found will not be included in the dict. """ if db is None: db = get_db('primary') # Get the attribute for this id type. if id_type == 'pmid': id_constraint = db.TextRef.pmid_in(id_list, filter_ids=True) elif id_type == 'pmcid': id_constraint = db.TextRef.pmcid_in(id_list, filter_ids=True) elif id_type == 'doi': id_constraint = db.TextRef.doi_in(id_list, filter_ids=True) else: id_constraint = _get_id_col(db.TextRef, id_type).in_(id_list) # Get the results. res = db.select_all([db.TextRef, db.RawStatements.json], id_constraint, *, db.TextRef)) # Organized the results into a dict of lists keyed by id value. # Fix pmids along the way. result_dict = defaultdict(list) for tr, rjson_bytes in res: id_val = _get_id_col(tr, id_type) # Decode and unpack the json rjson = json.loads(rjson_bytes.decode('utf-8')) # Fix the pmids in this json. rjson['evidence'][0]['pmid'] = tr.pmid # Set the text_refs in this json ev = rjson['evidence'][0] if 'text_refs' not in ev.keys(): ev['text_refs'] = {} for idt in ['trid', 'pmid', 'pmcid', 'doi']: ev['text_refs'][idt.upper()] = _get_id_col(tr, idt) # Add this to the results. result_dict[id_val].append(rjson) return result_dict
[docs]@clockit def get_raw_stmt_jsons_from_agents(agents=None, stmt_type=None, db=None, max_stmts=None, offset=None): """Get Raw statement jsons from a list of agent refs and Statement type.""" if db is None: db = get_db('primary') if agents is None: agents = [] # Turn the agents parameters into an intersection of queries for stmt ids. entity_queries = [] for role, ag_dbid, ns in agents: # Make the id match paradigms for the database. ag_dbid = regularize_agent_id(ag_dbid, ns) # Sanitize wildcards. for char in ['%', '_']: ag_dbid = ag_dbid.replace(char, '\%s' % char) # Generate the query q = db.session.query( db.RawAgents.stmt_id.label('stmt_id') ).filter( ) if ns is not None: q = q.filter( if role is not None: q = q.filter(db.RawAgents.role == role.upper()) entity_queries.append(q) # Add a constraint for the statement type. if stmt_type is not None: q = db.session.query('stmt_id') ).filter( db.RawStatements.type == stmt_type ) entity_queries.append(q) # Generate the sub-query. ag_query_al = intersect_all(*entity_queries).alias('intersection') ag_query = db.session.query(ag_query_al).distinct().subquery('ag_stmt_ids') # Get the raw statement JSONs from the database. res = get_raw_stmt_jsons([ == ag_query.c.stmt_id], db=db, max_stmts=max_stmts, offset=offset) return res
[docs]def get_raw_stmt_jsons(clauses=None, db=None, max_stmts=None, offset=None): """Get Raw Statements from the principle database, given arbitrary clauses. """ if db is None: db = get_db('primary') if clauses is None: clauses = [] q = db.session.query(, db.RawStatements.json,,, db.TextRef ).filter( *clauses ).outerjoin( db.Reading, == db.RawStatements.reading_id ).outerjoin( db.TextContent, == db.Reading.text_content_id ).outerjoin( db.TextRef, == db.TextContent.text_ref_id ) if max_stmts is not None: q = q.limit(max_stmts) if offset is not None: q = q.offset(offset) raw_stmt_jsons = {} for sid, json_bytes, rid, tcid, tr in q.all(): raw_j = json.loads(json_bytes) if rid is not None: _fix_evidence(raw_j['evidence'][0], rid, tcid, tr.get_ref_dict()) raw_stmt_jsons[sid] = raw_j return raw_stmt_jsons
# ====== # Tools # ====== def _get_id_col(tr, id_type): if id_type == 'trid': id_attr = else: try: id_attr = getattr(tr, id_type) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Invalid id_type: %s" % id_type) return id_attr def _fix_evidence(ev, rid, tcid, tr_dict): ev['text_refs'] = tr_dict ev['text_refs']['TCID'] = tcid ev['text_refs']['READING_ID'] = rid if 'PMID' in tr_dict: ev['pmid'] = tr_dict['PMID'] return